Traveloholic with 146 countries visited so far. Playing around with Overclocking computer hardware in Manila including a Hailea 500A cooler down to 3C on the water most of the time. Considering the heat and humidity around in Philippines its a bit of an issue at time 😉 but am enjoying what I can get out of the machines. Meanwhile I have the LN pots for CPU and GPU available and so far have only used them for DICE cooling down to -80 or so Celsius. All good fun. This blog is just ranting about the technical adventures I get up to occasionally both in relation to computers and hardware but also technical stuff in general. I love to learn. The best learning is through taking technical stuff apart and putting it back or building electronics with your hands which is something i love to do.
I am an active user on as Matsglobetrotter @ HWBOT
I also have another blog with different focus GlobetrotterLife Blog – Pictures and short stories from around the world